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The market since the last 10 years has involved drastically toward the globalisation.

Opportunities and services provision should be considered at the global level. The complexity due to these large openings push the market actors to enhance their strategy and activities to face these new challenges.

The Nerahida Network is, in this context, the service backbone on which companies, states, and others actors of the economy can rely for their global development.

Nerahida is pushing the collaborative intelligent business development by using a set of certified and qualified partners.

Quality, Efficiency, Reliability

NERAHIDA label concerns a set of services and products provided by one partner or a group of partners.

They are continuously assessed for assuring the level of excellence required by the Network.

Emphasis is made on quality, cost and delay respects, liability and matching customer requirements.

Periodic and on request customer satisfaction surveys are performed for rating services and products.

NERAHIDA label is therefore a true guarantee in excellence of services and products.



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